Pay what you can afford.

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Did you know that 53% of South Africans are over-indebted? 

Monthly Income

These South Africans are paying their creditors as much as 75% of their monthly income.

Bank Fees

Do you know what you’re paying in bank fees?

Debt Expiration

 Do you know that debt can expire?


Did you know that 77% of South Africans find it impossible to save any of their salary?


At least 20% of your income should go towards savings. Meanwhile, another 50% (maximum) should go toward necessities, while 30% goes toward discretionary items. 

You Are Not Alone

households spend three-quarters of their take-home pay on debt and only have a quarter of their salary to spend on everything else. 

It Could Get Worse

This worsens if the interest rates increase and the cost of paying the debt rises,” he said.


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